Query("SELECT Id count FROM " . PREFIX . "_documents WHERE document_status = 1 AND rubric_id IN (3,4,5,6,10,11,12) AND (document_expire = 0 || document_expire > " . time() . ") AND (document_published = 0 || document_published < " . time() . ") ", CACHE_LIFETIME); $num = $sql->numrows(); $seiten = ceil($num / $limit); $start = get_current_page() * $limit - $limit; $GLOBALS['page_id'][$_REQUEST['id']]['page']=($GLOBALS['page_id'][$_REQUEST['id']]['page']>$seiten ? $GLOBALS['page_id'][$_REQUEST['id']]['page'] : $seiten); $sql = $AVE_DB->Query(" SELECT Id, rubric_id, document_alias, document_title, document_published, document_parent FROM " . PREFIX . "_documents WHERE document_status = 1 AND rubric_id IN (3,4,5,6,10,11,12) AND (document_expire = 0 || document_expire > " . time() . ") AND (document_published = 0 || document_published < " . time() . ") ORDER BY document_published DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $limit , CACHE_LIFETIME); $news = array(); while($row = $sql->fetchrow()) { $row->teaser = showteaser($row->Id); array_push($news, $row); } $page_nav = get_pagination($seiten, get_current_page(), " {t} ", get_settings('navi_box')); if($num > $limit) $AVE_Template->assign("page_nav", $page_nav); $AVE_Template->assign("banners", get_banner(4)); $AVE_Template->assign("banners2", get_banner(2)); $AVE_Template->assign("items", $news); $tpl_out = $AVE_Template->fetch($tpl_dir . 'all_art.tpl'); define('MODULE_CONTENT', $tpl_out); } } ?>
Fatal error: Class 'Elem' not found in /home/admin/web/aquantico.ru/public_html/modules/elem/module.php on line 162